
stavvers ,
@stavvers@masto.ai avatar

IT'S TUMBLR THREAD TIME! I'll be posting about 5-10 screencaps a day from the very best of tumblr. The mob wants it. The mob will get it.

stavvers OP ,
@stavvers@masto.ai avatar


stavvers OP ,
@stavvers@masto.ai avatar

tumblr learns about the big wide world: a collection

[post and reply screenshot] hoodrichjay: I hate when people say “I'm Spanish" like no that's a language not a nationalty -boy have i got news for you about a country called spain definitely-not-lordenglish [conversation screenshots] Anonymous asked you really thought that putting I/ait/h in your bio and your carrd would be a sneaky way to let people know that you like vo//itro//n Imao. could've just wrote klance and not use some obscure shipping name that people already know about anyways leorio-moved-deactivated2020022 answered LAITH IS MY NAME IT'S LITERALLY AN ARABIC NAME WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT catradoraism [conversation screenshot] Anonymous asked: ° urgh “queensland” just call it england you pretentious bitch logarto answered: ‘ [map of Australia showing Queensland] bigexcluder [screenshot] lee: HUH . . . lee: what pride flag is that. . lee: oh lee guessed the word! The word was 'Germany
[Anonymous said Do you have a fetish for men or something reply is a picture of Tails wearing a shirt with a rainbow saying "I'm gay" [conversation screenshot] Who's Eid. Your gf? Who’s Eid....... there’s more enby-demon-crespy [conversation screenshot] Anonymous asked you seriously think it's okay that you have nazis in your family but you raised mexican catholic™™" whatever the fuck mexican catholic means and high ranking nazis at that? Reply: Look at me. Hey, no, for real, look me in the eyes. Do you think Ashkenazi is a special type of *high ranking” nazi?
Opalite [conversation and reply screenshots] anonymous asked: I dont know who the hell the B stands for but god its disgusting that you ship anyone with Dib. Thats a whole ass child, freak. Wanted to follow for the Pokemon content but you're out here shipping whatever the fuck badr is. Dont fucking ship the kids with irkens jesus christ [reply] HUH????? BADR IS MY NAME ITS A NAME IN ARABIC | DON’T EVEN WATCH ZIM DUGDHBCHBVHJVFH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ON [picture of the Welsh flag] re-unpoputar-opinions These sexuality/gender type flags are stupid and apart from the gay one, no one knows/cares what they mean. wrxthiabella: that... that is the Welsh flag... runofthemillsocialist: Gender of the day: Wales “ Tord-kitschener: LGBTW (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Welsh)

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  • Gargron ,
    @Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

    Mastodon went from 1.2M active users last week to 1.8M active users this week. That's not 70M users overnight, but it's something! 🙂

    jirikyr ,
    @jirikyr@mastodon.social avatar

    @Gargron ale já jsem někde četl, že má sedm miliónů uživatelů

    yannl ,

    Is the 70M also active users?

    bibliolater ,
    @bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

    🧵 : this the first in a series of that will eventually be stitched together into a related to 📚 and 📘. (1)

    bibliolater OP ,
    @bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

    "Experts have been selected to create a multidisciplinary volume with a thematic approach to the vast subject, tackling administration, army, economy, law, mobility, religion (local and imperial religions and Christianity), social status, and urbanism. They situate the phenomena of Latinization, literacy, bi-, and multilingualism within local and broader social developments and draw together materials and arguments that have not before been coordinated in a single volume."

    Mullen, Alex (ed.), Social Factors in the Latinization of the Roman West (Oxford, 2023; online edn, Oxford Academic, 14 Dec. 2023), https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198887294.001.0001, accessed 16 Dec. 2023.
    @bookstodon @histodon @histodons (69)

    bibliolater OP ,
    @bibliolater@qoto.org avatar

    "This interdisciplinary study analyses the connections between literary Modernism and right-wing ideology. Moreover, it is the first academic study to explore the reception of these Modernist authors by today's far right, seeking to understand in what ways they use strategic readings of Modernist texts to legitimise right-wing ideology."

    Frisch, K. (2019) The F-Word. Pound, Eliot, Lewis, and the far right. https://doi.org/10.30819/4972. @bookstodon (70)

    islieb , German
    @islieb@mastodon.social avatar

    Was ruft die Mieze?

    Schreibt eure Idee als Antwort unters Bild. Oder schreibt euren Text direkt ins Bild und ladet die fertige Datei neu hoch. Is interaktiv!

    tinoeberl ,
    @tinoeberl@mastodon.online avatar
    tinoeberl ,
    @tinoeberl@mastodon.online avatar


    "Klimaschädliches und wird teurer - das ist politisch gewollt. Im Gegenzug soll an jeden ein ausgezahlt werden - doch die Mittel sind inzwischen anderweitig verplant."


    EU_Commission ,
    @EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

    If you are reading this, you enjoy the openness and decentralisation of Web 3.0.

    On , let's fast-forward to the future.

    Web 4.0 will blend virtual and real environments while boosting innovation, rich content and industrial applications.

    To ensure everyone benefits from it, we will:

    • Shape global standards for open Web 4.0
    • Foster a European Web 4.0 industrial ecosystem
    • Boost access to trusted information
    • Support virtual public services

    How? ➡ https://europa.eu/!hJrNc4

    radicalabacus ,
    @radicalabacus@hachyderm.io avatar

    @EU_Commission I'm reading this and consider web 3 and web 4 to be nonsense pushed by grifters, and I know I'm not alone

    jeremystartm ,
    @jeremystartm@net.staropensource.de avatar

    @EU_Commission I have never seen the EU do so much bs at once. Wow I hope the politicians thinking "this is great" will loose their job.

    flexghost ,
    @flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

    Your reminder

    In 2016 Russia financed a series of ads along with an army of upvote bots. The intent was to divide america further from all angles

    The senate intelligence committee released the following ads from Russia linked actors

    These are from accounts with names like Blacktivists, Back the Badge, Secure Borders, Army of Jesus and so on. Every division covered

    We’re heading into 2024. If you see a political ad trying to provoke you: mistrust it.


    Russian add posted to American social media, claiming to be against police brutality, but linked to a group that made divisions run deeper
    Russian, financed political ad full of Islamophobia depicting women walking on the street and wearing a Burqa as evil somehow
    Image of Russian, financed social media ad, saying back the badge, usually aimed at conservatives, even though they thrashed police on January 6

    saren ,
    @saren@mas.to avatar

    @flexghost I sometimes wonder too about stuff I see on Facebook from groups like Occupy Democrats or The Other 98% or similar pages. Some of the memes they post and that I see shared by fellow liberals/progressives almost seem like they are purposefully made to make us on the left seem like we have more extreme or more unreasonable positions than we actually do. Like to drive division and make it harder for nonTrumpy center/right people to be able to vote with us to defeat MAGA.

    upthorn ,
    @upthorn@brontosin.space avatar

    @flexghost @Itty53
    When I was around 10 years old, Clinton was in office, and the social security administration enacted a new policy of giving bonuses to any employee who got someone kicked off for fraud.

    Shortly thereafter, the SSA determined that my father, who had ALS, was ineligible for disability, because he had a life insurance policy.

    People like me are angry because we have been directly harmed by the failure of the Democratic party to be effective at reversing the damage of the Rs

    dardo , Spanish
    @dardo@mstdn.jp avatar
    dardo OP ,
    @dardo@mstdn.jp avatar
    dardo OP ,
    @dardo@mstdn.jp avatar
    Gargron ,
    @Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

    Going to share a few more up-close shots of the new Mastodon merch! I'm happy that we got to incorporate some Mastodon history in the designs. Mind you there's only going to be 250 of each at launch!

    An enamel pin attached to a white t-shirt. The pin features an elephant riding a paper airplane.
    A purple mug featuring an elephant on a green landscape. The elephant is waving.
    A black t-shirt featuring an elephant riding a paper airplane among different colored planets. The Mastodon logo is visible.

    slashdottir ,
    @slashdottir@mastodon.online avatar

    @Gargron wantz

    decaplanet ,
    @decaplanet@mastodon.social avatar

    @Gargron I hope there was a plushie too. It’ll look great on my desk 👀

    jerry ,
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    Being an admin of a large-ish instance has been quite an eye opening experience into how awful some people are towards trans people. I really don’t understand the energy they put into hating people.

    dymaxion ,
    @dymaxion@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry Eh, perfection is never the bar in defense. I'd say that in moderation, it's not even theoretically achievable.

    catbailey ,
    @catbailey@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry I've wondered if it's because they are angry at those who have the courage they themselves don't.

    futurebird ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Seeing their attempts at indoctrination fail to take hold the indoctrinated can only imagine they have been stymied by some equal and opposite form of indoctrination. That we might be sincere about creating the space for each young person to find their own way, to make up their own mind is impossible from their perspective.

    That we wait on the outcomes of experiments and study to determine what is best? Just a lie.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    This is one of the reasons spanking persists as a method. With a constant and loving parent it’s often not harmful. What is important is to recognize that it’s never more effective or needed. Some parents don’t know of any other way or their elders pressure them in to it. But there really is no evidence that it’s more effective than other forms of consistent and caring discipline.

    futurebird OP ,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @darnell @bertwells

    No child needs spanking. Especially not black children. There are heaps of trauma we have passed down buying into the idea that it’s possible to “spank a kid safe” or buying in to the idea some kids are so bad, so hard-headed nothing else will reach them. But this just isn’t true.

    I’m not some wishy washy hippie. I live and teach in the Bronx. I have seen a bad child once or twice.

    Laking86 ,
    @Laking86@nerdculture.de avatar

    1 of 2023

    The Penultimate Truth
    Philip K. Dick

    Part of the SF Masterworks Collection. Despite being nearly 60 years old the narrative around the manipulation of the truth feels incredibly prescient. Wondering whether David Whitaker had read it before he came up with story The Enemy of the World.

    Laking86 OP ,
    @Laking86@nerdculture.de avatar

    48 of 2023

    The McCartney Legacy Volume 1: 1969-73 by Allan Kozinn & Adrian Sinclair

    Absolutely loved this. I’m a huge McCartney fan and not only did I enjoy reading about his early post-Beatles career in minute detail, but it was also great to revisit those early solo and Wings records with the added context the book offers. Heartily recommend to any other fans and I look forward to future volumes.


    Laking86 OP ,
    @Laking86@nerdculture.de avatar

    49 of 2023

    A Season in Sinji by J. L. Carr

    A novel combining war, cricket and a battle for love. Enjoyed this. It’s jolly in places and then hits you with a bleaker reality. Helps to love cricket as much as I do I would imagine given its importance in the story.


    jerry ,
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    I studied hard for this test but I still failed 😕

    andrei_chiffa ,
    @andrei_chiffa@mastodon.social avatar

    @jerry get better soon!

    ravenlb ,
    @ravenlb@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry hope you feel better soon!

    jerry ,
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    Ok. I am tired of Infosec.exchange being sluggish. I just submitted a crazy order with Hetzner to upgrade the instance. Hopefully the last time for a while. I ordered a dell AMD Genoa 48 core server with 256 GB of ram to act as a database and redis server, a dell 64 core sapphire rapids server with 256gb of ram to act as the single front end/puma/streaming server, and an amd 7950 with 128gb of ram to run minio (insourcing from Backblaze).

    I ordered all with 10g network interfaces to be connected to the same switch.

    I continue to see issues with Backblaze performance causing issues with posting.

    This will consolidate the environment down from about 13 servers to 4 (I will keep using less expensive servers on 1G networks for Sidekiq if it can’t run on the sapphire rapids server.

    I will be putting that behind Fastly for global distribution and ddos mitigation. I don’t know whether I’ll keep serving media via bunny.net or try to do that with Fastly also. Bunny works pretty well and is cost effective for media delivery.

    Anyhow, changes are coming. Thanks for patience.

    jerry OP ,
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    @avoidthehack this instance ran I. A single VPS for about 5 years prior to the Twitter meltdown. So I know what you mean

    avoidthehack ,
    @avoidthehack@infosec.exchange avatar

    @jerry talk about an infosec.explode 💀

    jerry ,
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    Things on infosec.exchange were getting a little bit sluggish, and I've had complaints about media processing taking a long time so I added another app server for the US region. In the past, that has caused media uploads for some people to just fail outright because the reverse proxy hops the upload from one app server to another - and the other has no idea what to do with the last half of a file. I am hopeful I've got that problem ironed out in the nginx config, but would be interested in knowing if anyone runs into that...

    jerry OP ,
    @jerry@infosec.exchange avatar

    @cs4p it seems like a level of complexity that wouldn’t provide a lot of value.

    cs4p ,

    @jerry that is an excellent description of Kubernetes

    AimeeMaroux , (edited )
    @AimeeMaroux@mastodon.social avatar

    I am closing in on 2000 followers on 😍

    To celebrate, here are a few ideas of what I could do 🥳

    Or is there anything else you'd love me to do instead? Comment!


    AimeeMaroux OP ,
    @AimeeMaroux@mastodon.social avatar

    @smutstodon This poll hasn't been live for 24 hours yet and I already have 100 votes in the poll. I ran a similar poll on back when I had a little more than 2000 followers (in 2019) and the total result were 128 votes.
    So it seems my reach in the or engagement is better than it was even on "old Twitter" which is a beautiful discovery 🥰

    sandehalynch ,
    @sandehalynch@mastodon.social avatar

    Statue at the entrance to Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy. Sometimes you just have to get behind them.

    Statue at the entrance to Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy.

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